Collective Dreaming

This signature Visions2030 program invites participants to collaboratively imagine where we want to move as a society. During day-long workshops, in a safe space, with an intimate group of fellow adventurers, we engage in imagination-opening exercises that lead to the ability to “dream together” and access the creative solutions that reside within the deep reaches of our respective imaginations — and also, importantly, to conjoin our psyches to create constructs and solutions that, coming from joint sources, may lead us in new directions and reveal unexpected wisdom.

Azuma Makoto, Flowers In Outer Space, 2017

Azuma Makoto, Flowers In Outer Space, 2017

"How do we dream forward, as a society?"

We hold aspirations for ourselves — but can we collaborate on visions for our collective world? And in doing so, might we push things in unbelievably positive directions.

At Visions2030, we are developing techniques to provide a space to dream — and dream together — and potentially arrive at unexpected solutions. To go to the very source of inspiration, to fuse ideas, to wield power. We call this workshop “Collective Dreaming.”

These exercises lead to the ability to “dream together” and access the creative solutions that reside within the deep reaches of our respective imaginations — and more importantly, to conjoin our psyches to create constructs and solutions that may lead us in new directions and reveal unexpected wisdom.

Our workshops explore deeply collective exercises: modeling idea-sharing and dream-fusing, non-verbal and intuitive communication, joint explorations of the unconscious. The point is to find new enhanced methods of problem-solving regarding world issues. Past participants have found the experience to be deeply enriching, sparking insights and shifts in consciousness and have also noted the team-building and bonding this process engenders.

Overgrown escalator

Photographer Unknown